Volunteer at RCCC
How You Can Support Our Center
If you would like to volunteer with us, or have fundraising opportunities please call the center at 603-332-9333.
Become A Volunteer
Our agency prides itself on being an important part of our community. There are many ways to get involved at Rochester Child Care Center. We are always looking for people to help with outdoor projects, reading to children, teach/ show any special skills or activities you may have for ages 6 months to 12 years or helping at one of our fundraising/family events. We would love to hear any other ideas you may have or are interested in!
Fundraising Events
We partner with other local businesses each year through fundraising events. Some ways your business can be involved is by sponsoring one of our annual fundraising events or donating to the cause! We are all in this together and any support or donations goes directly back to the center. The monies and other donations throughout the year help us keep the tuition at a reasonable rate as well as make improvements to our programs.

“I have been volunteering weekly at the Rochester Child Care Center for approximately 10 years. I read to the 4 and 5 year old children and chat with the youngsters from the “Fireflies” group. I read children’s books that they have, bring in additional books, and chat with the children. The group instructors are great to deal with and are well respected by the children. I do take July and August off, but enjoy going back in September and reading to a brand, new group. The children GROW SO MUCH socially, in the year I read to them, and are wonderful to deal with. I am very proud to be a reader to these children, and they surely teach me a lot!”
DAVID LYNCH, Volunteer