Helping Hands Pantry
How You Can Support Our Pantry
If you would like to donate, or have donation opportunities please contact us:
Dawn Collins
P. 603-332-9333.
E. dcollins@rochesterchildcare.org
Nichole Mosher
P. 603-332-9333
About Helping Hands Pantry
This community pantry will have gently used clothing/footwear, toiletries, and food items for any RCCC family (Charles St Location) or staff members and their immediate families. Clothing Items will be rotated seasonally.
As we grow, we will open this to include our UP program families. We will keep you all informed.
Location: 95 Charles St, downstairs in our Multi-purpose/Learning lab.
Day and Time: Every Thursday from 2-5pm.
We ask that you be mindful of others and take only what you need.
Donation Wishlist
Deodorant (Women/Mens)
Diapers/ Wipes
Laundry Soap (small containers)
Feminine Hygiene Products
Toilet Paper
Paper Towels
Hand Soap/Dish Soap
Tooth Brushes/Tooth Paste
Travel Size and Full Size Items i.e. shampoo/conditioner
Sanitizing Wipes
Towels/ Face Cloths
Adult Socks
Adult Winter Gloves
Gently Used or New Clothing of All Sizes (Infant-Adult)
Non Perishable Snacks (Nutra Grain Bars, Goldfish, Fruit Snacks, etc.…)
Non Perishable Food Items (Canned Goods, Pasta)
Donations are accepted and can be dropped off in the designated drop spot.
Drop Spot Location: Through the main doors and down the stairs. White box located next to the stairs on the left.
“I have been volunteering weekly at the Rochester Child Care Center for approximately 10 years. I read to the 4 and 5 year old children and chat with the youngsters from the “Fireflies” group. I read children’s books that they have, bring in additional books, and chat with the children. The group instructors are great to deal with and are well respected by the children. I do take July and August off, but enjoy going back in September and reading to a brand, new group. The children GROW SO MUCH socially, in the year I read to them, and are wonderful to deal with. I am very proud to be a reader to these children, and they surely teach me a lot!”
DAVID LYNCH, Volunteer